Loltun, which in Mayan means "Stone Flower," (this name depends on the fact that there are flower motifs throughout the cave) is the name of unique caves located in the south of the State that attract the attention of locals and strangers. and in which evidence of human settlements from 400 to 700 years ago has been found. The Mayans used them to provide themselves with clay, with which they made their utensils, and also as a religious center and refuge.

Another attraction of great interest are the cave paintings: on one wall you can see negative hands, on another there are more elaborate paintings that represent faces, animals and stepped frets.

In the gallery there is a huge vault known as the Cathedral; During the tour, colorful plays of light and shadow are seen, produced by the passage of the Sun's rays through various cavities.

 Grutas de Loltun en Oxkutzcab, Ruta Puuc

From the beginning of the tour, visitors can admire travertine formations that, due to their suggestive and whimsical shapes, have been baptized with peculiar names, such as "The cathedral", "The head", "The great cannon", "The corn on the cob "," Infante "," Paintings "," Black hands "," The room of stalactites "and" Trenches "

Among the latter, a series of columns stands out that when struck produce sounds of different tones. The caves also protect a head, which from 1959 to 1960 was exhibited in the Museum of Anthropology and which returned to the place in 1981

Visiting these caves is a unique experience. The walk covers a distance of more than 700 meters of impressive stone formations

Services Loltún

  • Restaurant
  • Parking
  • Bathrooms
  • Snack Bar

Access Hous: Horario: 9:30 am, 11 am, 12:30 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, y 4 pm.