Located inside the city of Valadolid, the Cenote Zaci is a impressive, partially collapsed cavern with a diameter of 45 meters (148 feet). From the roof hand some stalactites, formed over time by mineral traces carried by the water.

The flora of the cenote is composed of poplars, ferns, philodendrons, orchids and some others. The rock inside the cenote have algae, and on the outside are covered in moss. The depth of the water varies from 82 to 98 feet’s in the shallow parts, up to more than 328 feet’s in the deeper parts. As for the height of the vault, related to the water level, it is of 95 feet’s, varying between dry and wet seasons. The fauna is comprised of swallows, bats, carfish and many insects, such and dragonflies, beetles, snails and other.

Today, the cenote Zaci is touristic symbol of the city, for it is located a few meters from the city center, on top of carrying the same Mayan name as the city.

Cenote Zaci Valladolid Yucatan

Handcraft Area of Zaci Cenote

Generally speaking, handcrafting is very traditional in Yucatan, but in Valladolid some prehispanic technics remain, such as hammock warping, wood and stone carving, counted-thread embroidery ant he making of diverse clay figures.

There are artisans keeping alive the old trade of saddlery, making everything from typical huaraches  – simple sandals-, all the way to craft leather purses.

Beautiful han made gold pieces are made too, with exclusive models and very accessible henequen rugs, plan hats or even a splendid “huipil”, a traditional dress of the Yucatec woman that still uses this beautiful garment, representative of her culture.

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Cenotes in Valladolid and its surroundings