This is one of the huge constructions of the ancient square of Izamal, in which it has been possible to identify three stage of construction.

The first building was a pedestal flanked by staircases with slightly sloping bodies and curving corners. It was building completely covered the previous one. Here there were rounded corners and raised vertical walls. Apparently there was only one staircase on the western side. Wich is the one that was restored; its construction may date back to 700-850 AC.

Pirámide de Itzamaltun Izamal

The third stage of construction was around 950-1150 AC. The only thing that has been preserved from this stage is the great pedestal which is more than 100 meters sidewise, with a staircase on its side.

According to historical tradition, Itzamatul was dedicated to the god Zamná, to whom a large number of pilgrims came from faraway places to make their petitions.

Photos of Itzamaltun

Pirámide de Itzamaltun IzamalMooPirámide de Itzamaltun IzamalPirámide de Itzamaltun IzamalPirámide de Itzamaltun Izamal